"Music has always been a huge part of my life.
Growing up, my brother and I would constantly be listening to the Beatles, the Rolling Stones, and other rock & roll oldies. I remember singing along to all my dad's favorite songs in the backseat of his red Jeep Cherokee. When I was 9 years old, dad took me to my very first concert, The Beach Boys." |
I began playing music the second my mom bought me the Little Mermaid on VCR and I sang all the songs a million and one times.
I started taking piano lessons at the age of 6 and continued to play piano until I graduated high school. For many years I took music lessons at Mattioli School of Music and Art in St. Pete Beach Florida and received numerous musical awards.
At the age of 15, I started to play the guitar, which was much easier to carry around than the piano (I just love the acoustic sound of it). One day I picked up one of my brother's junky acoustics, found one of his old beginner guitar books, opened up ultimate-guitar, found a Taylor Swift song I liked, and forced my self to learn and repeat the chords and transitions, all while singing along (even with all the pauses).
For a long time I played only in my room and for myself, but I realized that music is such a huge part of my life so, I begun performing in front of audiences outside school plays and recitals.
Currently, I continue my education at UF - University of Florida in Gainesville and perform at local stages and festivals ( see my events calendar )

Thanks to all my friends and fans for your support - See you at the show.