






Kris Gawron Success Stories - Testimonials

Dedication and dependable service made my projects very popular among the computer users. My performance have been rated with high standard of appearance, response and appreciation.

Kris, Outrageous job done!:) Genius brand riffage, truly. "Zoe" actually brought tears to the eyes in one section.. Stunning effects well integrated. Excellent! Exceptionally well done! Very keen on the format and visuals concept!:) Thanks!

William Bachtel - My Wild Heaven

I would recommend Kris to anybody that wants a "serious, user friendly, up to date" website... Obviously very knowledgeable about web site design... He comes out and does photos and videos of my performance and puts it on the site... Great guy to work with....

Bobby Smith - GMI Records International

I think Kris is the best. He'll do exactly what you want and make educated suggestions to make you look your best on the web. Check out my website to see his awesome work - www.mikecalzone.com

Mike Calzone - Music and Madness

The Blue Lightning lads would like to thank Webmaster Kris for all his help on our website, photos and You tube videos. We recommend this highly talented lad for all your media related activities. See for yourself at www.lightningblues.com

J. T. Thomas - Blue Lightning Band

Kris you are on top! Amazing Job! Everything is excellent! Your extremely helpful attitude and your professional knowledge made the whole process of my website development a real joy and pleasure! Kris your design rocks! Definitly will refer your service to other business and friends.

Maggie Bondarowicz - MB Global Enterprises - President

2004 Golden Web Award - Excellence achieved in Web Design, Content and Creativity.

Darin L. Carter - Chairman of International Association of Web Masters and Designers

2003 Businessman of the Year - In recognition of the top Business in the United States, we confer this honor for integrating successful business practices.

Tom Reynolds - Chairman of NRCC

Award of Excellence - For performance resulting in measurable improvements in operational safety, effectiveness, efficiency, quality and productivity. This EG&G Performance Enhancement Award is to express appreciation for your outstanding contribution to the Rocky Flats Plant Mission.

W. A. Kirby - EG&G Area General Manager

On behalf of Diane Jensen, Cindy DeWitt, Karn Alm, and myself, I would like to take this opportunity to express our appreciation to Kris Gawron, for his assistance in setting up the new Plan-Of-The-Day System and follow-up direction, for setting up FileMaker Pro which provides a quicker search mechanism and save double entry time. Kris is extremely informative, helpful, patient, and always willing to answer questions and to demonstrate the program he sets up. We appreciate his service a great deal.

J. T. Partch - Maintenance/Utilities Manager

Kris is a hard working and productive employee who provides many services to Plutonium Operations Organization which are over and above his normal duties.

S. R. Schumacher - Plutonium Operations Manager

Kris is one of the most impressive employee I have ever worked with. His knowledge of computer systems and software is unmatched by anyone in my Operation area. He developed Occurrence Report Tracking system which allows us to flag a report for completion. Kris has also developed a Top Priority List which interfaces with ORACLE to insure an accurate indication of new and closed work packages. Kris is highly motivated and without a doubt my most outstanding employee.

P. B. Clark - Operations Technical Support Manager

Performance Award - Kris is a highly valued member of our team. His efforts have been crucial in enhancing SSOC's Price-Anderson compliance program credibility with our DOE customers and our fellow contractors throughout the complex. Kris has made a great contribution to Safe Sites. He exemplifies what a support contractor should be.

J. F. Jackson - SSOC General Counsel

Kris did an excellent job of working with a variety of different people in the operations group and provided a very user friendly product. Kris's efforts are very much appreciated.

B. A. Smith - Building Facility Manager

In addition to the development of the actual computer program, Kris's work included extensive designs for the numerous forms required by Rocky Flats Environmental Technology Site and destination sites. When the program came on line in July of 1998, implementation was immediately successful due to Kris's knowledge and development capabilities for the computer. Kris displayed a very professional attitude, in addition to providing a quality product in a very short turnaround time.

L. F. Giron - NMH&P Manager

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